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Hello, and welcome!
Hello, and welcome!



This is my personal page that connects the different things I have going on all related to one thing - Building Science.

I love to create stuff and I want to continue to get better and better and provide more and more value to homeowners and aspiring energy auditors.

I Want to Help

I want to help YOU in the following ways:

Hometrust Remodeling - Maryland Home Performance Contractor - Helping Maryland Homeowners GET COMFORTABLE!

Home Comfort Guy - YouTube Channel where I hope to connect with as many people interested in BUILDING SCIENCE AS POSSIBLE! - A way to help aspiring contractors become home performance contractors as well as help anyone looking to become an energy auditor.

Maryland Contractor Eric Gans

Home Performance Contractor

One way in which I am helping people is in my own state of Maryland.

I am a licensed home performance contractor. I help guide people towards better energy usage and comfort through the Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® Program in our state.

It starts with getting a comprehensive home energy audit. The two great things about the audit:

1. The blower door test.
2. Your attic gets an assessment so you don't have to go.

I am also a living, breathing consumer of the strategies, materials, and principles and I have gotten wonderful results.


Maryland Contractor Eric Gans

A Building Science Podcast

Ways to make your house more comfortable! We broadcast information and ideas to homeowners that are interested in learning about building science principles, how to save energy at home, and the keys to better home comfort. We all live in usually uncomfortable buildings that use too much power. Get expert guidance. Find your pathway. Learn - in easy-to-understand ways - how to tighten up your home and take advantage of the Inflation Reduction Act coming in 2023 and on...


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Certified Energy Auditor Eric Gans

YouTube Channel

In November 2020 I decided to get a GoPro camera when it was on sale at Costco. I made a commitment to myself to bring it with me as many times as I possibly can to the attic because I know that if homeowners can actually see what I see that video would tell a million words!

I am always trying to evolve my YouTube channel into something that is useful for any homeowner, anywhere in the world.

I decided to change the name of the channel to Home Comfort Guy

The channel has a true identity now. I want to show you how to seal up your bubble and avoid the pitfalls along the way.